新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒盘点奇葩"暗黑"月饼:方便面腐乳馅完爆五仁(图)


Hong Kong media inventory wonders "diablo" moon cakes: instant noodles fermented bean curd finish filling critical five ren (FIG.)

2016-09-05 22:12:44来源: 参考消息

参考消息网9月5日报道 港媒称,中秋节马上要到了,月饼市场又开始热闹起来,别以为遭排挤的五仁月饼就是最奇葩,更加令人惊讶的奇葩月饼数之不尽。 据香港《经济日报》9月5日报道,有内地网站盘点出市面曾出现的15种“暗黑月饼”,大家够胆挑战吗? 老干妈(香辣酱)黑猪肉月饼:老干妈辣酱加黑猪...

Reference news network reported on September 5, Hong Kong media said, the Mid-Autumn festival is coming soon, the moon cake market began to busy, don't think five ren moon cake is the most rare and beautiful flower marginalized, a miracle of the more surprising number of moon cakes. According to Hong Kong on September 5, economic daily reported that a mainland web site count out a 15 "diablo" mooncakes in the market, we take the challenge? Old dopted mother (sweet chili sauce) black pork moon cake: old dopted mother chili sauce with black pig...