新关注 > 信息聚合 > 头发需要日日清洗 日媒揭露不洗头睡觉的风险

头发需要日日清洗 日媒揭露不洗头睡觉的风险

Hair needs washing day by day The risk of Japanese media revealed don't wash sleep

2016-08-17 11:29:56来源: 环球网

【环球网综合报道】因为工作导致很晚回家,筋疲力尽得连洗澡的力气都没有,直接睡觉了。对于很忙的上班族来说这样的经历绝对不稀少。 但是如果考虑到头皮和头发的健康,一天洗一次头发是重要的事情。如果怠慢...

Because the web comprehensive coverage 】 【 job lead to come home late, exhausted even bath strength all have no, directly go to bed. For busy office worker that experience is absolutely not scarce. But if considering the health of the scalp and hair, the day is important to wash your hair. If the snub...