新关注 > 信息聚合 > 斯科拉里:裁判是个好裁判 不接受结果但接受判罚

斯科拉里:裁判是个好裁判 不接受结果但接受判罚

Scolari: the referee is a good judge not accept the result but to accept the penalty

2015-10-25 18:04:51来源: 新浪

斯科拉里:裁判是个好裁判 新浪体育讯 10月25日,在中超联赛第29轮的比赛之中,广州恒大主场迎战山东鲁能队,本场比赛恒大只要夺冠就可以提前一轮夺冠。结果恒大在两次领先的情况下,被鲁能两次扳平,...

Scolari: the referee is a good referee of sina sports dispatch on October 25, in the superior league tournament in the 29th round competition, Guangzhou Hengda home against Shandong Luneng team, Hengda the game just to win the league it can ahead of a round of the championship. The two Hengda in the leading case, by the Luneng two ties,...