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全球青年文化峰会在京开幕 秋元康谈打造节目需自信

The global youth culture summit opens in Beijing Akimoto Yasu to create a global network

2014-12-04 11:32:31来源: 环球网

日本节目制作人秋元康(中) 【环球网综合报道】据日本TBS电视台12月4日报道,令全球青年文化更加活跃、气氛更加高涨的首届青年文化盛会12月3日在北京隆重举行。此次的“青年力·全球青年文化峰会”由天娱传媒发起,参会阵容十分强大。在日本广为人知的“AKB48之父”秋元康出席了此次活动。...

Japanese producer Akimoto Yasu (in) [global network reported] according to Japan's TBS television reported on December 4th, the global youth culture is more active, more atmosphere rising in December 3rd the first youth cultural event held in Beijing. The "Young Global Youth Culture summit" from the days of entertainment media launched, participants lineup is very strong. In Japan, known as "the father of the AKB48" Akimoto Yasu attended the event. ...