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奥迪A6L e-tron上海车展首发亮相

Audi A6L e-tron Shanghai Auto Show debut

2015-04-20 08:43:11来源: 中国广播网

近日,奥迪对外发布了全新A6L e-tron插电式混合动力版车型的官图,新车将在马上开幕的上海车展首发亮相,并有望于明年上市。据悉,该车型是专为中国市场打造的,未来将由一汽-大众奥迪进行国产。 ...

recently, Audi released a new A6L e-tron plug-in hybrid version of the official chart, the new car will be unveiled at the opening of the Shanghai Auto Show debut immediately, and is expected in the next year. It is reported, the model is designed for China market building, the future will be the FAW - Volkswagen Audi domestic. ...