新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房客突然消失 “顺走”两台空调

房客突然消失 “顺走”两台空调

Tenant suddenly disappear go along two air conditioning

2015-03-11 16:16:42来源: 中国新闻网


10, Ms. Lu to the newspaper reflected the public, she in Weizhou road and health Street near the intersection of a commercial building purchase the two sets of real estate, in July last year, she will two houses rented out, every six months to pay a rent. She did not expect that, in January of this year, she urged tenants to pay rent, the other is always not to answer the phone, the two sets of offices are closed door. Helpless under the woman called the lock company, opened the door to find that the office in a messy, room...