新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大河网车友会信阳分会昌建誉峰车队成立了


Dahe website Cheyou Xinyang Branch Chang Jian Yu Feng team set up

2015-08-13 12:54:26来源: 大河网

大河网讯 随着大河网车友会信阳分会车队的组建如火如荼的开展,越来越多的联盟商家及车友加入到车友会的大家庭中来。8月13日,车友会工作人员来到平桥区国际会展中心西200米昌建誉峰地产,和昌建誉峰的业主...

river network with river network cheyouhui Xinyang branch team set up carried out like a raging fire, more and more business alliance and riders to join the ZX family to. August 13, cheyouhui staff came to Pingqiao District International Convention and Exhibition Center West 200 meters Chang Jian Yu Feng, estate, and Chang Jian Yu Feng, the owner...