新关注 > 信息聚合 > 去年南京拍出20个“地王” 最牛房企卖房88亿创纪录

去年南京拍出20个“地王” 最牛房企卖房88亿创纪录

Nanjing last year sold 20 "prime" the most cattle housing prices to a record 8.8 billion Sellers

2016-01-07 20:55:36来源: 新华报业网

交汇点讯 “最不值钱的就是钱”——1月7日,网尚研究机构发布一系列有关南京楼市的研究数据,该机构首席研究员、省房协房地产研究所所长李智对于2015年楼市火热的原因做出这样一句归结,为什么钱“最不值钱...

The intersection point of hearing "the most worthless is money" - 1 May 7, the network is still in research institutions released a series of research data concerning the Nanjing property market, lead researcher of the institution, Province HS Real Estate Institute Zhi for 2015 The reason to make such a hot property attributed sentence, why money "most worthless ...