新关注 > 信息聚合 > [2015武汉电视问政]江夏一别墅区违建严重仅拆一座


[2015 Wuhan TV asked administration Jiangxia villa area illegally built serious only the demolition of a

2015-07-06 22:26:09来源: 荆楚网

2015年武汉电视问政现场 视频截图 荆楚网消息(记者裴斌)7月6日,2015年武汉电视问政上半年期中考大幕拉开。开播首个暗访短片便曝出猛料,2014年电视问政期末考曝光的江夏区美院coast...

2015 in Wuhan TV asked political scene video screenshot Jingchu net news (reporter Pei bin) July 6, 2015 Wuhan TV asked the politics in the first half of midterm curtain opened. The first launch of unannounced visits to the movie will be exposed Mengliao, 2014 TV politics final exposure of the District of Jiangxia Academy of fine arts coast...