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拳皇97OL竞技场怎么玩 竞技场玩法详解

KOF 97OL arena how to play arena gameplay Comments

2015-03-20 11:42:00来源: 4399

作为一款格斗游戏,跟来自五湖四海的高手进行PK较量才是真正的有意思,那么没有竞技场怎么行?在拳皇97OL中,你可以通过竞技场和众多高手较量,比比谁更牛逼! 首先玩家通过完成主线任务便可自动开启竞技...

As a fighting game, with players from all over the world for PK contest is really interesting, there is no arena how the line? In KOF 97OL, you can battle through the arena and many experts, more than anyone else Niubi! First, the player through the completion of the main quest will automatically open athletics ...