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欧冠-浩克助攻丹尼绝杀 泽尼特1-0送本菲卡出局

The Champions League - The Hulk assists Danny winner Zenit 1-0 sent out

2014-11-27 10:43:41来源: 华体网

北京时间11月27日凌晨,欧冠联赛进行小组赛第五轮的较量。俄超劲旅圣彼得堡泽尼特迎战葡超班霸本菲卡。 开场后第5分钟,泽尼特前场获得任意球机会,浩克直接攻门被门将挡出,还造成禁区内混战,可惜泽尼...

Benfica Beijing time on November 27th morning, the Champions League group stage of the fifth round of the contest. The Russian giants Zenit St Petersburg against the Portuguese BANBA benfica. After the opening fifth minutes, Zenit frontcourt free kick, the Hulk attacks the door directly by the goalkeeper, also caused the forbidden area the melee, but this...