新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勇士将续约两前锋 巴恩斯1200万格林1500万?

勇士将续约两前锋 巴恩斯1200万格林1500万?

Warriors will renew the two strikers Barnes 1200 million green 15 million?

2015-06-07 10:32:52来源: 新浪

格林、巴恩斯防守詹姆斯 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月7日,据《圣何塞水星》报道,凭借着出色的球场表现,小将哈里森-巴恩斯有望在今夏与金州勇士队完成续约。 本赛季,和勇士队相关的合同谈判传言主要都...

green, Barnes defense James sina sports news Beijing time on June 7, according to the San Jose Mercury reported, by virtue of the excellent performance in the stadium, young Harrison Barnes is expected to in the summer with the Golden State Warriors complete the contract. This season, the warriors and the relevant contract negotiations are mainly...