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外媒:瓜帅首次带队PK巴萨 拜仁两弱点可作文章

Foreign media: Guardiola Barcelona PK led the first Bayern two for the

2015-04-24 20:13:17来源: 华体网

外媒截图 讯 北京时间4月24日18点,14-15赛季欧冠半决赛抽签仪式在瑞士尼翁进行。最终,巴萨遭遇拜仁,尤文则对阵皇家马德里。在第一时间,西班牙媒体和德国媒体都关注了抽签结果,《每日体育报》认...

screenshot foreign media news Beijing standard time on April 24th 18, 14-15 season in the Champions League semi-final draw in nyon. Finally, Barcelona suffered in Bayern, Juventus against real madrid. For the first time, the Spanish media and German media have paid attention to the draw, "daily sports newspaper"...