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The 15 Jaguar XJL Cambridge Limited Edition FuZhou Railway Station glory listed

2014-11-26 15:39:23来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 福州 资讯] 剑桥作为英伦文化的摇篮之一,孕育出无数深邃的思想和睿智之士,也留下了传承数百年的开拓创新的剑桥精神。而英伦符号的另一代表,捷豹也一直根植于经典,坚持独立设计和创新求变,...

[XCAR Fuzhou. Cambridge as one of the cradle of British culture, nurtured countless profound thought and wisdom person, also left a heritage of hundreds of years of pioneering and innovative spirit of Cambridge. Another representative of England symbols, Jaguar has been rooted in classic, adhere to independent design and innovation,...