新关注 > 信息聚合 > [埃因霍温VS阿尔克马尔]基本面:埃因霍半主力出战


[Al Kemal]: Eindhoven VS fundamentals Aiyinhuo half strength

2014-10-18 15:51:07来源: 新浪

周六069 荷兰甲级联赛 PSV埃因霍温 VS 阿尔克马尔 2014-10-19 00:29 两强狭路相逢,且都有多名国脚回各自国家队征战,影响是相同的,但埃因霍温主力伤停更多,这对...

Saturday 069 Holland League PSV Eindhoven VS Al Kemal 2014-10-19 00:29 two strong meet on on a narrow path, and have more international back to their national team, effect is the same, but the PSV Eindhoven injury more, this on...