新关注 > 信息聚合 > Level-5:今后我们的主机游戏,计划都会出中文


Level-5: In the future, our host games will be written in Chinese.

2019-08-05 16:19:46来源: 游戏时光

提到 Level-5 相信大家都不陌生,《雷顿教授》《妖怪手表》,以及《二之国》都是旗下非常有名的游戏系列。但这些作品大多没有中文,语言门槛也往往拦住了一批想要深入了解的玩家。不过,Level-5 的社长日野晃博在接受我们的采访时表示,后续他们推出的主机游戏,可能都会加入中文。现在不方便透露太多,但今后出的主机游戏,可能都会加入中文……完全面向中国的作品也应该会有,但目前都是比较大致的想法。虽然我们公司的作品比较全年龄化,不会有那么多色情、暴力,但毕竟你总归还是要打怪……对于我们的游戏应该要修改哪些部分,才能满足中国市场准许出版的标准,这方面我们还不是很清楚。接下来就是准备调查调查中国市场,把...

Referring to Level-5, I believe everyone is familiar with it. Professor Leighton, The Monster Watch and The Two Kingdoms are all very famous game series. But most of these works do not have Chinese, and the language barrier often blocks a group of players who want to know more. However, Hino, president of Level-5, told us in an interview that the host games they will launch in the future will probably be added to Chinese. It's inconvenient to reveal too much now, but in the future, the host games will probably be added in Chinese... There should also be Chinese-oriented works, but at present they are more general ideas. Although our company's works are relatively full-age, there will not be so much pornography, violence, but after all, you always return to wonder... It's not clear what parts of our game should be modified to meet the standards of publishing permission in the Chinese market. The next step is to prepare a survey of the Chinese market.

标签: 游戏