新关注 > 信息聚合 > 垃圾分类小游戏全面爆发 如何成为“垃圾堆”中的好产品

垃圾分类小游戏全面爆发 如何成为“垃圾堆”中的好产品

How to become a good product in the "garbage dump" when the garbage sorting game is full-blown

2019-08-05 17:48:21来源: 游戏茶馆


Recently, in 2019, China Joy held in Shanghai New International Expo Center, small partners of the domestic game industry gathered in Shanghai, but the newly implemented waste classification has become a problem for small partners from other places. Faced with the complex waste classification scheme and four different color bins, everyone seems at a loss, and throwing garbage everyday becomes the most headache for CJ participants in Shanghai. In learning how to classify garbage in Shanghai, the teahouse found that some small partners had fun playing garbage sorting games. These products have different ways of playing, which is much more interesting than reading popular science handbooks. So how do these products use the game?

标签: 游戏