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Life and death sniper new map strategy for fantasy estate

2016-04-27 18:16:21来源: 4399

【地图背景】:幻化成千奇百怪的物品,藏形匿影,与猎手斗智斗勇! 【地图模式】:支持躲猫猫模式 投稿要求: 1、投稿时,请写上作者名字、攻略标题和你的4399UID。 2、攻略必须精辟且实用,文中不能出现不文明用语。 有意向投稿的生死狙击玩家,请将你出色的攻略发送到2853...

】 【 map background: turning into strange items, unseen shadow hidden form, and the hunter wits! 【 map mode 】 : support hide-and-seek mode Submission requirements: 1, please write the title and author's name, the strategy of your uid 4399. 2, the strategy must be brief and practical, the article can't appear not civilization terminology. Life and death sniper players have intention to contribute, please send your excellent strategy to 2853...