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大学生“四姐妹”自创“寝室节” 挽救寝室关系

College students' "four sisters" own "dormitory day" save dormitory relations

2017-01-14 04:13:27来源: 环球网

“我倡议,把今天定为我们的节日,让我们4个人一起,放下手机、放下电脑、放下私事,放下烦恼,走出宿舍,来到阳光下,共同度过专属于我们4个人的一天……”说起前不久在学校首个校园“寝室节”上面向全校发出的倡议书,武汉传媒学院汉语言文学专业西区四栋519寝室的“四姐妹”至今依然兴奋不已。 为...

"I initiative, take as our festival today, let us 4 people together, put down the phone, put down the computer, put down the affair, put down the worry, out of the dormitory, came to the sun, together to belong to us a four day..." Speaking shortly before the first in school campus "bedroom" for the school in suzhou, wuhan institute of media of Chinese language and literature major west four 519 bedroom "four sisters" still excited. As...