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To join the battle for Borussia Basel Elf

2016-05-24 05:42:59来源: 华体网

德甲门兴中场扎卡即将加盟阿森纳,而扎卡的转会将带给门兴不少的收入。门兴俱乐部也表态会用这笔钱加强引援。 之前门兴历史上转出身价最高的球员是罗伊斯,2012年罗伊斯以1700万欧元的转会费加盟多特。...

The Bundesliga Borussia midfielder will join Arsenal and Zach, Zach transfer will bring a lot of income lindenhof. Borussia club also stand will strengthen signings with the money. Before the highest player from Borussia history is Royce, Royce in 2012 to a transfer fee of 17 million euros to dortmund. ...