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The world's largest porn site push service charges: no advertising more HD

2015-08-07 15:32:02来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间8月7日早间消息,全球最大色情网站Pornhub已推出了付费服务。这一服务模仿了Netflix,每月收费9.99美元。付费服务提供了1080p高清分辨率、高速服务器,以及一些独占内容。 台式机和笔记本的网页用户无法使用这一服务。该公司表示,目前正在开发Androi...

sina science and technology news Beijing time on August 7, morning news, the world's largest porn site pornhub has launched a paid service. The service is a copy of the Netflix, and charges $9.99 a month. Premium service provides 1080p HD resolution, high-speed server, as well as some exclusive content. Desktop and laptop users can not use this service. The company said that the current development of Androi...