新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中医拔罐风靡里约 选手身现“东方印”

中医拔罐风靡里约 选手身现“东方印”

Chinese cupping swept Rio player itself now "East India"

2016-08-10 12:50:11来源: 环球网

【环球网综合报道】据英国《独立报》8月8日报道,在里约奥运会中,包括美国游泳运动员菲尔普斯在内的很多参赛选手身上,都出现了拔火罐的印记,这种“东方印记”悄然火遍全球。 早在1000多年前,人类就...

[World Wide Web Roundup] According to the British newspaper "Independent" reported on August 8, in the Rio Olympics, a lot of players who include American swimmer Michael Phelps, including, have emerged cupping mark, this " Eastern stamp "quietly Huobian globe. As early as 1,000 years ago, humans ...