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Grilled steak a look at your future series of newly from the east

2016-09-06 07:41:34来源: 新浪

雄鹿队正在崛起 密尔沃基雄鹿,又一支近年不如意的球队,十年战绩最好不过46胜,4次闯进季后赛,没赢下任何一轮系列赛。他们上一次闯进东部季后赛的第二轮,已经是2001年的事情了,那还是“三个火枪手...

The bucks are emerging The Milwaukee bucks and a team in recent years the unpleasant, ten years with the best record 46 wins, but four times in the playoffs, did not win any round series. The last time they broke into the second round of the playoffs in the east, was in 2001, it was "the three musketeers...