新关注 > 信息聚合 > 霍建华《快本》宣传《捉迷藏》 谈起林心如害羞

霍建华《快本》宣传《捉迷藏》 谈起林心如害羞

Wallace huo "fast this" propaganda "hide and seek" about lin2 xin such as shy

2016-09-13 03:02:39来源: 国际在线

霍建华光亮相快本 上周六晚,霍建华、秦海璐携新电影《捉迷藏》登《快乐大本营》,奉献了各自精彩的“首秀”。霍建华手牵萌娃在歌舞声中闪亮登场,首次在综艺舞台上谈起新婚妻子,霍建华屡屡被主持人逗得害羞脸红,直呼“讨厌”! 霍建华婚后综艺首秀 被提林心如频害羞 此次为宣传电影《捉迷藏...

Wal at fast this Saturday night light, Wallace huo, qin hailu new movie "hide and seek" with "happy camp", devote their wonderful "debut". Wal hand in of Eva in the musical sound, variety stage for the first time about new wife, wal often had a shy blush, the host to call "hate"! Wallace huo variety debut after marriage The rapture lin2 xin such as frequency shy The "hide and seek for propaganda film...