新关注 > 信息聚合 > C罗向皇马主席许诺:在皇马退役 这是我的家

C罗向皇马主席许诺:在皇马退役 这是我的家

Cristiano ronaldo to real Madrid President promised: retired at real Madrid This is my home

2016-07-14 07:25:09来源: 华体网

腾 体育7月13日 C罗刚刚率领葡萄牙夺得了欧洲杯的冠军,对于他来说,能够连续将欧冠和欧洲杯冠军收入囊中,这样的成就值得大书特书,而据西班牙《机密报》爆料,C罗也同弗洛伦蒂诺进行了电话联系,他...

On July 13, teng sports cristiano ronaldo has just led Portugal won the European cup champion, for him, can will be in the champions league and European champions, such achievements worth particularize, and according to reports coming from the Spanish confidential newspaper, cristiano ronaldo also has carried on the phone with florentino, he...