新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨兰:“无章毕业证”难逃舆论倒彩


Yang Lan: "No diploma chapter" escape public hooting

2016-08-05 20:27:13来源: 荆楚网

近日,网曝陕西省宝鸡卧龙寺中学给52名2016届高三毕业生所发毕业证上只有学校和校长的印章,却没有加盖“陕西省普通中学毕业证专用章”的钢印,学生怀疑毕业证造假。(8月4日澎湃新闻网) 所谓毕业证...

Recently, the net exposure Baoji in Shaanxi Province Wolong Temple High School 2016 session of the third year to 52 graduates only school principals and diploma on hair seal, but not with the "Shaanxi Province ordinary high school diploma seal," the symbol, graduate student suspected card fraud. (August 4 surging News Network) called diploma ...