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“翔飞人”抢主播饭碗 刘翔解说世锦赛得到好评

"Xiangfei people" rob jobs anchor Liu commentary world championship has been received

2015-08-23 16:38:16来源: 中国新闻网

七年之后,重回“鸟巢”。这一次,刘翔(见上图)依然错过跑道。 坐在主播台前,32岁的刘翔以一种特殊的身份,重回田径赛场——担任电视解说的嘉宾。 故地重游,刘翔的脸上,有着一抹伤感,“鸟巢”之...

after seven years, and return to the "bird's nest". This time, Liu Xiang (see above) is still missed the runway. Sitting in the anchor seat, 32 year old Liu Xiang with a special identity, to return to the track and field -- guests as a TV commentary. Again, Liu Xiang's face, with a touch of sadness, "bird's nest"...

标签: 主播