新关注 > 信息聚合 > 下半年楼市将迎短期调整 房企信贷临违约风险

下半年楼市将迎短期调整 房企信贷临违约风险

Towards the second half of the property market will adjust short-term temporary housing prices credit default risk

2016-07-11 12:09:15来源: 房产之窗网

6日,中国社会科学院财经战略研究院发布中国住房发展(2016中期)报告预计,房地产市场恐将于2016-2017年迎首次出现在政策刺激下的调整之年。在此背景下,需要防范房企资金链脆弱导致信用违约风险。 中国社会科学院财经战略研究院院长助理倪鹏飞介绍,2013年之前10多年出现的调整,都是...

6, the CASS Institute of Finance and Economics strategy released Chinese housing development (mid-2016) is expected to report on the real estate market will fear 2016--2017 years welcome first appeared in the adjustment of the policy stimulus next year. In this context, the need to guard against capital chain housing prices lead to fragile credit default risk. FINANCE CASS Institute for Strategic Studies Assistant Dean Ni Pengfei introduced before the adjustment in 2013 of 10 years appear, are ...