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周日开启破风之旅 《极限挑战》骑行游垦丁

Sunday to open the breaking wind tour, "the ultimate challenge," riding tour Kenting

2016-05-24 10:21:38来源: 新华报业网

5月22日21点,东方卫视《极限挑战2》将播出第六期节目。在上一期节目中,“女神”林志玲和“极限男人帮”共同演绎的浪漫爱情故事虽然让观众们很是感动,可却还是没能满足“挑剔”的导演组。“极限男人帮”就这样连夜被送到了宝岛台湾的另一处观光胜地——垦丁,开启了一场自行车拉力赛。 男人帮挑战连...

May 22nd 21 points, the Oriental TV, "the ultimate challenge 2" will be broadcast on the sixth phase of the program. In the last program, the goddess Lin Chiling and the ultimate man to help the common interpretation of the romantic love story although the audience is very moving, but still can not meet the "critical" of the director group. "The ultimate man Gang" that night was sent to the island of Taiwan is another tourist attractions in Kenting, opened a bicycle rally. Man to help challenge...