新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱情事业两不误 盘点影视剧中的赢家“大师兄”们

爱情事业两不误 盘点影视剧中的赢家“大师兄”们

Love the cause of correct inventory the winner of the TV drama "big brother"

2015-08-27 21:01:04来源: 新华报业网


in many ancient costume films and TV dramas often appear various sects, "big brother" shouldering the role models, and often in the play is entrusted with the task. From the elegant Linghu Chong, based care teacher younger brother love full of "mausoleum", and recently "spend thousands of bone" in because of the love bug become the hearts of the audience "Trueman" "eleven", master elder brother who has been constantly refresh "brother" to a new height. The inventory of classic several "big brother"...