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AC米兰中场闹人荒仅4人可用 曝求购英超全能铁腰

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2015-08-19 18:50:56来源: 新浪

媒曝米兰有意西索科 新浪体育讯 AC米兰[微博]还需要引进新的中场球员,在这一点上贝卢斯科尼主席亲口证实了球队已经接近签下一名新球员的消息。不过意大利媒体分析,中场一名新援对于AC迷来说并不够。...

media exposure intends to Sissoko of sina sports dispatch AC Milan [microblogging] also need to introduce a new midfield player, in this president Berlusconi himself confirmed the team has to sign a new player news. But Italy media analysis, midfielder a new aid for AC fans is not enough. ...