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闵鹿蕾:开局表现不佳 望莫里斯攻防两端做更多

Min Lulei Maurice: poor performance at both ends of more

2015-12-11 23:55:15来源: 搜狐

(搜狐体育 吴頔 北京报道)北京时间12月11日晚,15-16赛季CBA进入第16轮角逐。在五棵松,坐镇主场的北京男篮经过四节较量以107-102战胜北控男篮,赢得京城德比的同时取得2连胜,战绩提升...

Sohu (Sohu sports reports from Beijing Wu Di) Beijing time on the night of December 11th, 15-16 CBA entered the sixteenth round season. In Wukesong, Beijing in the home court after four men's basketball contest to win the men's basketball team defeated 107-102 Beikong, Beijing Derby also won 2 straight, record promotion...