新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚锦赛-韩国85-71逆转黎巴嫩 梁东根18+6+8+8断

亚锦赛-韩国85-71逆转黎巴嫩 梁东根18+6+8+8断

Asian Championships - South Korea 85-71 reversal Lebanese Yang Dong Geun 18+6+8+8 off half

2015-09-27 17:15:16来源: 网易

梁东根下半场18分,全场贡献亚锦赛最高的8抢断。 网易体育9月27日报道: 北京时间9月27日,2015年男篮亚锦赛复赛进入首日争夺,韩国队以85-71逆转黎巴嫩队。四节比分为:13-23,19...

Yang Dong Geun 18 points, scored the Asian Championships the highest 8 steals. Netease sports on September 27 reported: Beijing time on September 27, 2015 FIBA Asia Championship semi-finals to enter the first day of competition, the South Korean team in Lebanon reverse 85-71 team. The score of the four quarter is: 13-23, 19...