新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何谓大场面球员?看看赵继伟 考神都被他羞辱两次

何谓大场面球员?看看赵继伟 考神都被他羞辱两次

What is a big occasion player? See Zhao Jiwei Take an examination of god are his humiliation twice

2016-07-25 11:12:03来源: 网易

网易体育7月25日报道: 北京时间7月25日上午8时,中国男篮热身赛挑战美国男篮梦之队。年轻后卫赵继伟此战表现十分亮眼,砍下仅次于易建联的全队第二高分14分,两次直接对话盯防他的考辛斯均投篮得手。...

July 25, netease sports coverage: Beijing time on July 25, at 8 in the morning, the Chinese men's basketball team warm-up to challenge American dream team. Young defender Zhao Jiwei performance very bright eye, after yi's team the second high score 14 points, two direct dialogue head-to-head with his Cousins are shooting. ...