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Longevity and can see the beauty! No wonder boys are watching!

2016-07-22 10:14:20来源: 光明网

多看美女能长寿! 科学家们说,男性凝视美女,其作用就象是欣赏美丽的风景画一样,有助于身心健康。凝视美女10分钟,相当于做了30分钟的有氧运动。一项实验发现,每天都能凝望漂亮女性的男性,血压相对较...

Longevity and can see the beauty! , scientists say, men stare at the beauty, its effect is like a beautiful landscape, contribute to a healthy body and mind. Stare at the beauty for 10 minutes, is to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. An experiment found that men every day gazing at beautiful women, the blood pressure is relatively...