新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州市新规:车牌中签购车期延至1年


Guangzhou City, the new regulations: license plate lottery purchase period extended to 1 year

2015-08-07 13:51:24来源: 中国新闻网

null 信息时报讯 (记者 李慧燕 见习记者 史倩云) “太好了!可以给中签者更多的选车空间。”从前日起,车牌中签者的购车时间,从6个月延长至1年内,一个指标仅有一次延期机会。不少准车主均表示...

null Information Times News (reporter Li Huiyan trainee reporter) Shi Qianyun "too good a! Can give more space to choose a car ballot." From the previous day, the time to purchase a car license plate ballot, extended to 1 years from 6 months, an index only once extended opportunity. Many prospective owners said...