新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民建张家口市委举办新会员培训班


Zhangjiakou municipal party committee held a new member of committee of class

2016-07-05 19:46:15来源: 长城网

长城网张家口7月5日讯(李明 记者李全 宁晓雪 张世豪)6月28日,民建张家口市委在市社会主义学院举办民建新会员培训班,近三年入会的新会员及民建机关干部近40人参加了培训。张家口市政协副主席、民建市...

The Great Wall network - zhangjiakou July 5 (li Ming The reporter Li Quan NingXiaoXue Zhang Shihao) on June 28, committee of zhangjiakou municipal party committee held in the socialist college, new member of committee of class, initiation of new members and the committee of nearly three years cadres nearly 40 people attended the training. Vice chairman of the Chinese people's political consultative conference, the committee of zhangjiakou city...