新关注 > 信息聚合 > 院士和译者讲解进化论历史 让公众走近“斗犬”赫..

院士和译者讲解进化论历史 让公众走近“斗犬”赫..

Academician and the translator to explain the evolution of history to the public approached the fighting dog Hector..

2015-07-26 04:05:45来源: 大河网

本报讯(记者 俞陶然)今年是英国著名科学家、进化论的坚定捍卫者赫胥黎诞辰190周年。昨天,由上海科技馆、上海人民出版社等联合主办的“关于进化的讲课”活动,在上海自然博物馆举行。众多青少年和家长聆听了中科院院士褚君浩、赫胥黎著作《科学和希伯来传统》中文版译者石左虎的演讲,了解科学研究方法及...

Washington (Reporter Yu Ran) this year is the famous British scientist, evolution of staunch defenders of Huxley 190th birthday anniversary. Yesterday, by the Shanghai science and Technology Museum, Shanghai people's Publishing House and other co sponsored lectures on the evolution of activities, held in the Shanghai Museum of natural history. Many young people and parents listened to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician Zhu Junhao, Huxley's book "science and the Hebrew tradition" Chinese version of the translator Shi Zuohu speech, to understand the scientific research methods and...