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"Play games" push this year many works of Shakespeare

2015-04-14 22:31:18来源: 中国新闻网

中新网上海4月14日电 (记者 邹瑞玥)在上海戏剧学院建校70周年之际,今年的“上戏有戏”展演周联袂第八届上海国际小剧场戏剧展演同期举行,并推出多部莎士比亚剧目,为明年莎翁诞辰400周年演出做准备。 上海戏剧学院副院长郭宇14日介绍,上戏今年推出越剧版《仲夏夜之梦》,由越剧历史上第一...

in new network Shanghai on 14 April, (reporter Zou Ruiyue) in the 70 anniversary of the founding of Shanghai Theater Academy, this year's "play games" performances week in eighth Shanghai international theatre performances and launch a number of the same period, Shakespeare the repertoire, in preparation for the next 400 anniversary of the birth of Savon. Guo Yu, vice president of Shanghai Theater Academy 14 introduction, introduced this year, the drama drama version of "A Midsummer Night's dream", the first in the history of opera...