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Jane Zhang "mumbo-jumbo world" theme song the first secret

2015-04-30 14:31:27来源: 新浪

十年新声蜕变,《天书世界》因你不同! 近日,国内知名游戏厂商哥们网正式公布,邀请华语乐坛天后张靓颖为代言人,并斥资千万全方位打造2015首款原创IP新游《天书世界》“星游”互娱计划。而首次出任网游代言人的张靓颖,还将为游戏同名主题曲倾情献声! 随着5月5日,《天书世界》公测日期的...

Sina ten years new transformation, "mumbo-jumbo world" because you are different! Recently, the well-known game makers buddy network officially announced, invited Chinese Diva Jane Zhang as spokesperson, and spend millions to build the first 2015 original IP new tour "mumbo-jumbo world" "Star Tour" mutual entertainment program. And for the first time as online spokesperson Jane Zhang, will also portrait vocals for the game theme song of the same name! As of May 5th, "mumbo-jumbo world" beta date...