新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄文义:打资格赛不轻松是挑战 哪跌倒哪爬起来

黄文义:打资格赛不轻松是挑战 哪跌倒哪爬起来

Huang Wenyi: the qualifiers not easy is the challenge which fall where to climb up

2015-03-05 19:40:01来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 斜风、冷雨,广西柳州卧龙湖球场10℃的气温让美巡中国赛中国区第三轮的比赛变得尤为艰难,即使是对两轮后的领先者黄文义亦是如此。三只小鸟、一个柏忌和一个+3,黄文义以+1的成绩完成第三轮也算...

Sina Sina sports dispatch skew wind, rain, Guangxi Liuzhou Wolong Lake Golf Course 10 DEG C temperature make the PGA Tour Chinese match Chinese district the third round of the competition becomes very difficult, even so is the leader after rounds of Huang Wen yi. Three birds, a bogey and +3, Huang Wenyi to +1 finished third round too...