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《聚爆》评测:Jake,Welcome Back to Earth

"Implosion" evaluation: Jake Welcome Back to Earth

2015-04-13 18:21:09来源: TechWeb

故事是一个好故事(虽然驾驶机甲加打怪兽的模式不免有些落入俗套),战斗部分也做的相当出色,如果以满分10分的标准来评价《聚爆 Implosion》,9分应该是一个合理的标准,缺失的1分在哪里,大概是我...

, the story is a good story (although the driving Mech and fight monsters mode inevitably fall into the stereotypes, the fighting part) also do quite well, if out of 10 criteria to evaluate the "Implosion" Implosion, 9 points should be a reasonable the lack of standards, the 1 points where, i...