新关注 > 信息聚合 > 淘宝和上课都能VR了 教你自制VR眼镜 仅需10元

淘宝和上课都能VR了 教你自制VR眼镜 仅需10元

Taobao and class can teach you self-VR VR glasses only 10 yuan

2016-04-10 11:51:14来源: 大众网

原标题:VR来袭 大学课堂上也玩“穿越” 虚拟现实技术成当下热门话题 记者探访发现该技术已进入岛城百姓的生活 虚拟现实是当下科技行业最热门的话题之一,今年被业界称之为VR元年。近日,淘宝推出的“Buy+”VR购物的视频,更是刷爆朋友圈。在视频中,“Buy+”通过VR技术100%还原真...

Original title: VR incoming college classroom also play "through" virtual reality technology into current hot topics reporter visits found that the technology has entered the Castle people living virtual reality technology industry is the moment one of the hottest topics this year, the industry says the first year for the VR. Recently, Taobao launched the "Buy +" VR shopping video is maxed circle of friends. In the video, "Buy +" restore the true VR technology by 100% ...

标签: VR