新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日职乙情报:北九州状态下滑 近7场仅取得1场胜利

日职乙情报:北九州状态下滑 近7场仅取得1场胜利

Daily job B Intelligence: Kitakyushu state fell nearly 7 only achieved a victory

2015-07-26 09:56:04来源: 新浪

周日004 日本乙级联赛 赞岐釜玉海 VS 北九州向日葵 2015-07-26 17:00 球场:香川县立丸龟竞技场 天气:31度 赞岐釜玉海上轮联赛客场0-1不敌枥木SC,联赛最近七场...

Sunday 004 and Japan Serie B praise Kyushu Qi vs Fu Yuhai North sunflower 2015-07-26 17:00 the stadium: Kagawa prefectural Marugame arena weather: 31 degrees praise Qi kettle Yuhai round league 1-0 defeat to Tochigi SC, the league the last seven games.