新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王立彤:全面掀起曹妃甸跨越发展新热潮


Wang Litong: Caofeidian comprehensive set off a new wave of development across

2015-06-09 09:19:50来源: 环渤海新闻网

王立彤在曹妃甸区委常委(扩大)会议上强调 以奔跑的状态全面掀起曹妃甸跨越发展新热潮 环渤海新闻网消息 (记者 王爱民 通讯员 王倩楠)6月8日上午,曹妃甸区委常委会召开一届第44次(扩大)会议...

Wang Litong emphasized Caofeidian District Standing Committee (enlarged) meeting to run a state comprehensive set off Caofeidian leapfrog development a new wave of Bohai Sea News Network News (Reporter Wang Aimin correspondent Wang Qiannan) June 8 morning, Caofeidian District Standing Committee held next section 44 (enlarged) meeting ...