新关注 > 信息聚合 > 体坛工资榜:巴黎力压皇马第1 NBA均薪最高

体坛工资榜:巴黎力压皇马第1 NBA均薪最高

Sports wage list: Paris beat Real Madrid in the NBA are paid the highest

2015-05-21 03:24:20来源: 新浪

巴黎圣日耳曼完成法甲三连冠 新浪体育讯 北京时间5月21日消息,在全球体坛薪资调查(Global Sports Salaries Survey)公布的最新榜单中,刚刚完成法甲三连冠的巴黎圣日耳曼...

Paris Saint Germain finished Ligue 1 for a third time in a row of sina sports news Beijing time on May 21, in the global sports salaries (global sports Salaries Survey) survey published the latest list, has just completed three consecutive Ligue 1 Paris Saint Germain.