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神机百变 《诸神》幻化玩法详解

"Gods" amazing God turned into play detailed

2015-08-07 20:21:42来源: 17173

看腻了千篇一律的人物、装备造型?厌烦了大家一模一样的护卫?没关系!正在火爆二测的3D热血战斗奇幻网游《诸神》推出“幻化”玩法,让你炫出自己、秀出宠物! 随心而变,幻出精彩 在《诸神》的瓦尔德隆城里,住着一位精通幻术的大师:卡丹。只要你能提供对应的材料就能让你掌中剑、身上衣甚至身边形...

tired of watching the other characters, follow the same pattern of equipment? Tired of the same guards? Not related! Is hot test 2 3D blood fighting fantasy online games, "the gods" launched "illusion" play, let you show yourself, show pet! Heart and change, showing the "gods" in the wonderful Waerdelong Town, there lived a master of magic master: Cardin. As long as you can provide the corresponding material can make the palm of your hand, the sword body coat even side shape...