新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行《光环:士官长合集》偷跑:和谐严重


In Halo: Sergeant collection "sneak: internationally due harmonious serious

2015-08-07 21:01:43来源: 天极网

正当玩家抱怨国行Xbox One无大作之时微软便送来福利。 之前一直犹抱琵琶半遮面的国行《光环:士官长合集》近日偷跑,而游戏正式发售时间为8月13日。 不过经过验证,国行版本存在诸多被和谐的痕迹,比如: 1、游戏中没有光环频道,至于终端机内容笔者玩的很少无法判断是否还存在 ...

complain the Xbox one for Microsoft sent to welfare. Until still holds the pipa half cover surface of the aura: Sergeant collection "recently unleashed, and game the official release date of August 13. But after verification, the state line version exists many traces are harmonious, such as: 1, the game is not halo channel, as terminal content the play rarely unable to judge whether it still exists in the...