新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国西北首个通过国家正式验收整车进口口岸落户..


Northwest China's first formal acceptance by the state vehicle import port located in..

2015-08-28 20:08:25来源: 中国新闻网

中新社乌鲁木齐8月28日电 (孙亭文 王倩)记者28日从新疆阿拉山口综合保税区获悉,中国海关总署近日正式复函,阿拉山口口岸可进口非独联体国家生产的汽车整车。该口岸成为中国西北五省中首个通过国家正式验收的整车进口口岸。 按照海关总署复函,2014年7月,中国国务院同意取消阿拉山口口岸进...

news agency, Urumqi, August 28 (sunting Wong) 28 reporter learned from the Xinjiang Alashankou Comprehensive Bonded Zone, General Administration of Customs of China recently formal reply, Alashankou ports can be imported non CIS countries in the production of automobile. The port has become the first vehicle import port in the five provinces of Northwest china. In July 2014, according to the General Administration of customs, the State Council agreed to cancel the reply, China Alashankou port into the...