新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金丝利药业深挖细作掘“金矿” 预计2018年投产

金丝利药业深挖细作掘“金矿” 预计2018年投产

Kingsley pharmaceutical ferret out secret agents to dig "gold" is expected to 2018 production

2015-03-21 12:44:22来源: 新华报业网

项目名称:长效重组人白细胞介素-2项目 项目简介:总投资2亿元,于2012年底启动建设。目前,该项目建设已进入I期临床研究阶段,预计2018年正式投产。 “公司现有基因工程生产线只生产白细胞...

project name: long-acting recombinant human leukocyte interleukin - 2 project introduction: a total investment of 2 billion yuan, at the end of 2012 start construction. At present, the construction of the project has entered the phase I clinical research phase, is expected to officially put into operation in 2018. "The company's existing genetic engineering production lines only produce white blood cells...